Employer's Services
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Rapid Response (Employer Layoff) Activities
Rapid Response is a pro-active, flexible, business-focused strategy designed primarily to respond to layoffs and plant closures by quickly coordinating and providing immediate aid and services to businesses and their impacted employees.
We offer employers and impacted employees:
- Coordinated unemployment information
- Priority access to Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) funded training and On-the-job training.
- On-site workshops
- Connections to local employers who are hiring candidates with the impacted employees’ skill sets
Our Rapid Response Team will assess your impacted worker’s needs and provide the appropriate services, either at your place of business or another convenient location.We will provide impacted workers with individual career counseling, skills assessments, basic skills training, occupational skills training, job search and job placement assistance.
We rate highly on satisfaction surveys completed by both employers and impacted employees.